The right tool at the right time
The first time I played Disc Golf, I really had no idea what I was doing. I had the most basic understanding...very basic. My brother, son and I were headed across the parking lot toward the first tee pad as I feverishly tried to download an app for a scorecard, taunted by my fickle cell signal on South Mountain in Bethlehem, PA. It was crap. The signal, and the first app that finished in time for the round to begin. The other four apps I selected finished downloading somewhere amidst the glorious wilderness as I tracked my way to an outstanding 27-over par. We went live on Facebook on hole 9 , in an embarrassing display of amateurism. But we were having fun. And I became interested in the sport of disc golf. About a month later, I was ready to jump in, and I decided to find a more complete app for my adventures. I had no idea how vital this would be for my game. I opened UDisc for the very first time and have enjoyed every moment since. So, this post is going to brag on my favor...