Simon Says...
Watch, Listen, Learn I've been catching up on a bunch of disc golf videos lately on YouTube, mostly the usual, tournament coverage, and the sensation following Brodie and McBeth as Dark Horse takes on the disc golf world of sorts. But there was one group that got the internal gears cranking again, as Noah of Daily Disc Golf played a challenge round against Simon Lizotte and the related Vlog with Simon talking about the differences between a 975 and 1040 rated player , referring to the previously mentioned challenge. Now, Simon and Noah rattled off about a dozen different things that separate a "good" player from a "great" player in Lizotte's Vlog. I'm going to completely ignore the fact that in this scenario, we're defining "good" as a 975-rated player...well, not completely. Actually, we're going to filter the vague-ish rattling on about what can be described as a casual round, and recap, and broaden the scope beyond the 6 strok...